
Wednesday, 6 June 2012

My journey to blogging!

Writing is a passion  I am about developing, because I'm surrounded by professional and freelance journalists. I think am beginning to somehow think like them, every picture or event is seen as a tool for good story that could make any editor want to use such  for their killer leadlines or for keep as they say "story for dry days- when town go dry", when they will be digging and snuffing for anything to write about so as to keep to the deadline of the mad room.
But I can not just go on blabbing about my going into this profession which I now see as a passion hopefully will turn it into a profession someday without raising my hat for my friends and my ogas’ "my bosses" my Neighbour “Ogbuife” I am sure he knows himself, Olabimpe and Mr. Oji- the big one, who have in one way or the other inspired me to unscrew this talent in me "did I just say talent" OMG am beginning to sound like one of these guys.
Never mind I will try my best to come up with things that are of great interest to me, ranging from love, education, entertainment, religion, food, tourism and travels, inspirational gist, politics but I beg of you never tell the politicians in my country because "I no want wahala o" I don't know if I am qualified to talk about politics but I will try as much as possible to just talk about the icing of it if not the cake itself. Friends, I hope you will enjoy my company.

Agriculture will also be examined as it affects my nation, its negligence, I adore the colour of nature every time, because it brings absolute peace to my soul, the green revolution is also big around the world now. Someday I hope to be a farmer if they will allow me to acquire the quantity of land that will cater for my kind of farming without throwing the land use act at my face, I am sure they would have amended this before my sojourn into the agricultural sector.  I hope this won’t be one of my wishful thinking!
Before I will let you go, I am sure this won't be complete if I don't talk about the headache of falling in love on this medium occasionally, my girlfriends will love the lashing we will be given out to the guys out there. My guys please don’t be angry with me am sure without such gists it is never going to be complete.
Hopefully, we will rock this together, Bienvenue a tous!

Note: your comments are highly welcome.

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